So I workout 5 days a week with 2 off (Wednesday and Sunday). I'd like to start doing yoga on those days but wondering what the best type to do increase flexibility but not really impede on my rest day? Any suggestions?
So I'm an on again off again gym participant. I will go to the gym 3 months then take off 4 then go back again then off again etc. Anyways I'm back at it and I am starting to realize this problem stems from not when I am in they gym but when I am out of it. I can only go at 5 am and I love it, some days better than other…
So I have figured what my numbers should be around for my macronutrients while trying to lose weight. Calories 2100, Protein 147g, Fat 75g, Carbs 209g. I currently weigh 210, getting back to the gym. I don't know my bodyfat % but its too high (spare tire no visible abs). My overall goal is to lose that bodyfat, flat…
So I am starting week 3 of my "getting back in shape" and I started weighing in at 213. Now my exercise routine is 3x a week I am doing "StrongLifts" which isn't the biggest fat burner program (especially in the first 6 weeks) However I am including HIIT 2x a week along with stretching sessions and some mobility training…
Im tired of starting working out going strong for several months then take a family vacation or something where I have to interrupt my training for a week or more and then its months before i go back to the gym and then the cycle starts all over. I don't get it. But NO MORE!