Macronutrients Fat Loss-Calculating in Exercise

So I have figured what my numbers should be around for my macronutrients while trying to lose weight. Calories 2100, Protein 147g, Fat 75g, Carbs 209g. I currently weigh 210, getting back to the gym. I don't know my bodyfat % but its too high (spare tire no visible abs). My overall goal is to lose that bodyfat, flat stomach, some abs, more defined muscle. Actual weight is all in context for me right now. I'd like to be somewhere between 180-190lbs but I would rather be 195lb with muscle definition and strength than be 180lbs and soft with minimal definition.

Put it this way if I weigh 180lbs and still have moobs then I am keeping my shirt on at the beach still.

Anyways back to my topic of Macros and nutrition. If I am exercising 6 days a week and on average burning 300 calories at the gym. Should I eat those calories back or stick to my macros based on my initial calorie intake of 2100 calories a day not including exercise.

So should I just ignore what I burn or should eat those calories back to stay at 2100 calories per day?