Motivated in gym struggle outside

So I'm an on again off again gym participant. I will go to the gym 3 months then take off 4 then go back again then off again etc. Anyways I'm back at it and I am starting to realize this problem stems from not when I am in they gym but when I am out of it. I can only go at 5 am and I love it, some days better than other obviously, but I feel motivated I feel like I am working on transforming this doughy midsection to a solid piece of granite.
The problem kicks when I am out of the gym. I pay attention to what I eat and I log it in and I'm doing okay. I feel though sometimes I get hungrier than other days and I get lost with what I should do, how do I handle being at work having my premade meals and snacks with me and its not enough. Then the slippery slope kicks in, I start making excuses and indulge or I end up starving myself. Either way its a strenuous game to play and it kicks my but motivationally.
I lose focus and start thinking I want results quicker even though I know better and I should take my time.

Could it be my pride getting in the way of my common sense? The gym is humbling, you are working hard lifting heavy and doing cardio, you dont have much time or energy for pride. But then you are home and your expectations start to get unrealistic and you start starving yourself or binge eating, my pride ends up in the drivers seat and I feel is the reason I fail over and over?

So how do I keep that positive attitude outside of the gym?


  • Judithdobson
    Judithdobson Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Chris, your pattern is similar to mine. If I have a bad day, I accept it and look forward to continuing the next day. If you have a bad week, again accept it and make a commitment to begin on a fresh week. Hopefully, you won't leave too long a gap. If you do slip off the slope. Try to pick up where you left off, eating healthy rather than starving yourself as you may recall, starving yourself only makes losing weight harder.