My 7 months old has been in the hospital several times. He recently had surgery to have a g tube put in his stomach. Right after he was born I begin changing my eating habits and as soon as the doctor oked it I started a dieting and exercising. Then my son started losing weight and refused to eat. He has to be fed thru his…
my friend just text me she said I inspired her to loose some weight. She said she went out and get all this healthy food. It's all super healthy but it's all high calorie. She told me what she ate yesterday and while it was super healthy her calories were really high. and she doesn't exercise but she won't believe me that…
so my brother just brought me a big bag of avacados. He knows I like to put a slice on my sandwiches but there is no way I can eat them all. Anyone have any good recipes for them
i did some research online and I found a website that said for my weight and the fact that I'm breastfeeding my son that I should be drinking 113 ounces a day. I fill a jug of water with at least that much and drink it everyday. I don't mind drinking all of it but I pee like crazy now. How much water is everyone else…
im a single mother of 3 kids. I have a 6 year old a 17 month old and I 2 month old. I found out I was pregnant with my last after I left my husband due to his drug addiction. Our relationship was so stressful so I ate all my emotions. I want to make a better life for me and my children. I have just started working again…
I am currently breast-feeding my seven week old little boy. He has a very sensitive stomach and gets extremely gassy when I have too much dairy gassy vegetables like beans and broccoli and eggs. I'm trying to start to eat healthier but i'm having problems finding healthy food that won't upset my little one stomach does…