Anyone have experience cutting weight specifically to make weight fit a certain division in competition. I have about 6 pounds to lose in a week and a half. I could fight at the higher weight class but the upper end of the higher class would out weigh me by a lot. If anyone has experience in it please let me know
I do not post to much, but I received this flyer in the mail yesterday and it was to good not to chuckle at. "Dr. John Q. Public presents his seminar: Stress, hormones, and genetics, the real reason for belly fat. Come discover the reason you may not have any control over your weight". "Entrance is allowed for a small…
Hello All, Almost every day I am very close or over the recommended amount of my daily sugar intake. However 90% of the sugars I consume are coming from fruit. I am not much of a sweet/candy eater. I rarely consume anything processed with sugar. Is this something that can be concerning?