Keto cinnamon roll pancakes-SO yummy!
I had to share this recipe I found through Pinterest and made it tonight for my breakfast tomorrow. I tasted it and it seriously tastes just like a cinnamon roll! It's definitely a little more time-consuming to prepare than I normally like breakfast to be. But I'm keeping it on the roster!!…
Ketogenic Ratio
Just curious if anyone has ever heard of the Ketogenic ratio by R.T. Woodyatt MD? In summary, one of the sites I read describes it as the "equation basically gives you the potential ketone producing potential of a given meal depending on the relative ketogenic or anti-ketogenic effect of the different macronutrients." It…
Dry eyes
Hi everyone! Today is officially one week since I started eating vlchf! I'm really happy with how I'm feeling and the food I'm able to eat! However, the past couple of days, I've noticed my eyes are red and dry. Is this an indication of something that I should be aware of? I was planning to run out during lunch and grab…
Vent: Was my kid handed an unfair/unjustifiable punishment in Phys. Ed?
I'm really angry at my son's athletics coach because of the punishment he doled out to my son last week. As a consequence of not dressing appropriately for athletics, the "coach"/P.E. teacher made my son do 100 burpees. So for FOUR FREAKING DAYS my son could barely lift his arms over his head. He's in Jr. High school.…
Men...what physique do you find attractive on a woman???
I'm just curious what other men find appealing?? I showed pictures to my hubby of Jamie Eason and Amanda Latona because I like their physiques. He thought they might be a tad too muscular for his taste. He says he loves me however I look (he's too sweet), but hopes I don't get too muscular. I know that, in general, guys…
Any good tilapia recipes??
I'm trying to eat more fish, and I prefer to buy tilapia. However, it's just such a boring fish. Does anyone have any good links to any recipes or special ways that YOU cook it that is super good?