Random: Keto Kitties
Trigger warning: talk of upset stomachs and the results thereof. Funny story! I am switching our cats over to a raw diet (using TCFeline powder mix) to see if it can treat some of their issues as we see working so well for folks around here. :# Their stomachs are having a rough transition (as are the family members…
Ugh, another cracked report: this time they're villifying butter
http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonkblog/wp/2015/08/07/the-butter-industry-probably-regrets-paying-for-this-study-that-shows-butter-is-bad-for-you/ and the study: http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/early/2015/07/01/ajcn.115.112227.abstract of note: S.M.H. Seriously??? Their habitual diets. Let's take a few guesses what…
Jentacular Juramentum July (IF Challenge) Check-In!
What is Intermittent Fasting (IF)? The concept here is that you switch things up on your body, hopefully increasing its fat-burning efficiency, by "fasting" (in this case, taking in no protein or carbs) for a certain period of the day, and consuming your calories (by which I mean your fat/protein/carb balance) during a…
Tips for Bone Broth
So I followed a link somewhere here, found an article on the benefits of Bone Broth, along with a simple recipe (literally just beef + water to cover it in a crock pot), and here I am about 28 hours into simmering my beef joints. Now I'm realizing I have a few questions: 1 - How do I know when it's done? Mine has had…
A week or so ago, I read somewhere that, once past the keto adjustment phase, I'd wake one day overflowing with energy. Today could certainly be described that way. I did the laundry, grocery shopped, cleaned the litter pans, broke down boxes for recycling, and then decided to tackle the boxes of things that needed to be…
Wheat hates bacon?
While the faux pizza recipe from the fathead blog is low carb (<5g carb per slice the way I made it), since eating it I find myself nauseated by the thought of bacon and grease. I had to make mine with a low carb, wheat-containing baking flour mix, and I wonder if my body said, "Hey! Wheat!! F** Yeah! Screw fat!" I was…
I could use a stiff drink.
I read someone say that LCHF pretty much limits us to Vodka, but how do you figure your values when, if you're lucky, the nutritional information refers to values for alcohol, rather than carbs or sugar? I heard the body burns the alcohol first, but how does it use it? Like sugar alcohols? Like potato starch (in the case…
Need ideas for food to bring to friend's party
I'm going to be spending most of the day tomorrow at a friend's house, watching movie marathons and hanging out. She already mentioned "Pizza and popcorn" and I told her don't worry about me, I'll bring my own food. What would you recommend for food that would travel well, and can be heated up quickly or kept in a crock…
Consensus on Coffee?
This time on the Low Carb WOE I initially started to follow the BFC Fast Track meal plan, and per its advice I've cut my coffee back from free-drinking to two cups a day. I saw @FIT_Goat say he drinks coffee all day (I assume black or bulletproof?). Now I'm wondering if anyone knows if there's any discussion on coffee's…
Fats are Friends, AND Food
Hello everyone! I'm new to the forums but I've been tracking on and off with MFP for years. I originally started limiting my carbs in 2010 and went from 155lb to 132lb, but ice cream & birthday cake season struck and I couldn't keep up with it. I've tried that original plan over and over and haven't seen a repeat of the…