I just did weights for about 45 min and a ten minute abs exercise. How do i know how many. Calories ive burned so i know how much more calories i can consume for the day? Im 32 yrs old, 5 ft 9 and 179 lbs.
Okay so for some reason yesterday I stuffed my face with everything I could. Smh I just lost control n couldn't stop...I dont know why. I feel like I failed.
:\ I had a weekend vacay, and now that I havent been to the gym in 4 days I feel like I've ruined my routine! On top of not eating my best.... have I just completely ruined how far ive come in the last 4 weeks? I lost 8 lbs and I dont want it all to be for nothing. Once u take a few days off, its hard to get back into it...
Hey is anyone else drinking slimming tea? And if so, what do u think of it so far? I think its great. Makes :p me feel a lot lighter getting it all out. Lol
I have been doing extremely well these past few weeks with my eating. But today I cooked hamburger helper for my daughter and totally lost control and ate half the pan! Smh..:-/ I feel like all my hard work lately went right out the window
:\ I have cut my calories intake down to 1320 daily and im not losing any weight. On top of exercusing everyday. I ALSO cut out my carbs and meat. What am I doing wrong?
Is it normal to not see results at first?