Lost control

I have been doing extremely well these past few weeks with my eating. But today I cooked hamburger helper for my daughter and totally lost control and ate half the pan! Smh..:-/ I feel like all my hard work lately went right out the window


  • Raquelrichardson57
    Raquelrichardson57 Posts: 24 Member
    I have been doing extremely well these past few weeks with my eating. But today I cooked hamburger helper for my daughter and totally lost control and ate half the pan! Smh..:-/ I feel like all my hard work lately went right out the window
    I have been doing extremely well these past few weeks with my eating. But today I cooked hamburger helper for my daughter and totally lost control and ate half the pan! Smh..:-/ I feel like all my hard work lately went right out the window

    Its especially hard when u have kids and they want certain foods and your there cooking it, smelling it and staring at it. So mad at myself.... its 390 calories per serving of that mess and I probably ate a good 4....... Ughhhhh did I really mess up this bad? Or am I being to crazy about this?
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    Na, just log it and move on. Consistency is everything. Most everyone screws up once in a while. The people that lose weight and keep it off are the ones that jump back on the program even after losing control.

    With that said, I would suggest incorporating some foods you like into your diet, the easiest way to lose control is to tell yourself you can't have something.
  • andyluvv
    andyluvv Posts: 281 Member
    Raquel, we have ALL been there.
    No point about getting mad at yourself at this point. Take a deep breath, remember how enjoyable it was an experience and get back on that healthy eating horse :)

    If you find it difficult to cook things you cannot have then don't cook them, or make them into smaller portions so you know you're making it for someone else. No one has a complete perfect diet, although many of us try - so you know what? You can only do your best! And it's important that you're trying.

    Forgive yourself and move on. Are you trying to lose weight? Great, it won't happen overnight...so have some patience too! :)
  • ChrystalDoucette
    ChrystalDoucette Posts: 5 Member
    Your progress isn't undone or ruined! It's just a rare treat. Consider it that. Your overall trend over a long period of time is what really matters.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    It happens to most of us :disappointed:
    Taking a look in my diary for yesterday might make you feel better :open_mouth::confounded: I was so good all day, and then bam!!! Destroyed it all within an hour.
    like the others have said, one day isn't going to ruin your progress
  • I have been doing extremely well these past few weeks with my eating. But today I cooked hamburger helper for my daughter and totally lost control and ate half the pan! Smh..:-/ I feel like all my hard work lately went right out the window

    I'm so back and forth with my eating habits .. My weight fluctuates like crazy! I find being hard on myself for those weak moments just make me want to give up even more though. Try to shake it off, and tell yourself that you'll make it up with a bit more exercise here and there, and better eating for the next few days. Even slow progress is progress! Good luck ❤
  • chopsart
    chopsart Posts: 123 Member

    Don't be so hard on yourself. It is difficult to stay in "control" 24/7, if not impossible. Take it and move on!