Weekend struggle
I struggle with overeating during weekends... usually it's dairy.
right... im regaining any help without protein powders?
im trying to be lchf daily but... sleeping
13-14 hrs a day Why? Celiac? I have no Celiac.
Paleo or vegan? Confused
Sad cant get back on track
For this month of june ive been overenjoying avocado condense milk treat after dinner.136-77 carbs a day. Yes, not keto... );
Childhood foods
I grew up eating custards & ice cream. They r my cheat foods...im glad i quitted pizza but couldnt remove sweet dairy. What r ur cheat foods?
I eat peanuts and milk
With that im not paleo? Any opinions?
Help finding keto book
Ive heard of keto since high sch but never tried it until mar. 2014 but failed up to july. Ive been trying to hit 20-40carbs/day since. What books do u recomend? TIA!