On days when I'm not active, I tend to gain weight eating 1600 calories. Is that too much for someone who's 115 pounds? Should I decrease my intake to 1500?
It's the weekend and I'm so tempted to binge. Any tips/suggestion that help you get over your temptation?
I eat almost all my calories in the morning (1500-1600) and don't eat anything until the next morning. I get tired earlier than usual eating like this, but it has been working for me otherwise. I've been eating like this on and off for 2 months. Will this have any long term negative effects?
I managed to stay binge free for nearly 3 weeks, but I completely lost control today. I feel sick to my stomach and extremely ashamed of myself. Should I fast tomorrow just to give my digestive system a break? I'm thinking of not weighing myself the next few days for the sake of my mental health. Will this set me up for…
If I'm cooking something on the stove top, and I add 1/2 tbsp of coconut oil, how many extra calories does that add? Would it have the same amount of calories raw, just with the oil added or would it have more than that? I'm confused by all of this and have been eating raw or boiled for the past week because I don't want…