Day 22 review
Had lunch with friends. Stuck with what I planned to order. By night I wanted food. My thoughts right now is regardless of my previous meals. I need to stick with my selected foods and not skip meals. It sets me up to overeat or binge. Need to run to the grocery store. Then I’ll get to back to my everyday. Breakfast lunch…
Day 22
Today I will only have one meal. Going out to eat with friends and the calorie count will be enough to sustain my body for the day.
Day 21 review
Last night I binged. Started off really hungry and said I’d eat a few extra calories. And just didn’t stop. I stopped counting calories after I hit 800. What happened yesterday is what happened. Today is another opportunity to eat right for my body. I appreciate the way my body is changing and how I am feeling.
Day 18
Menu set Still logging meals and staying with calorie set. Water intake is not good. Need to improve. Not exercising yet.
Day 14
Menu set for today. Looking to get back on track with water intake. No extra anything today. Stick to the posted food is the goal.
Day 13 yesterday
Ate an extra salmon portion. Regretted it immediately after. Water intake getting better.
Day 12 today
I’ve posted my food. I will stick to what I’ve posted only. Need to make water a priority.
Day 11 review yesterday
Still only eating what I logged. Still struggling to drink water.
Day 10 review today
Stuck with what I posted on app for food. Third day without drinking recommended water. I already know I’m setting myself up for failure if I continue in this. Once I am up in the a.m. will make a point of start my day off drinking water.
Day 9 review yesterday
Stayed within calories set did not drink recommended water for my body.
Day 8 review
Today I traveled, was driving. If I manage to get in 16 more oz I can meet my daily goal. Again today I had numerous cravings to just eat. Not hungry just wanted to be chewing on something. I talked myself down each time. I’m so accustomed to giving into every craving desire or food want. After a day of driving I’m not…
Day 7 review
I made it through to the end of day 7. I am proud of myself. I really struggled at the end of the day, after dinner. I just wanted to snack on something. Just put something in my mouth and chew. I’m thinking a combination of being stressed and bored were the cause. I ate and drank what logged in the app. Around three today…
Day 6 review - Day 7am
Day 6 went well food and water aligned with what I logged that morning in the app. We had lots of food at work yesterday and I did not partake in any of it. Before this week I usually would eat any food being offered to me, in addition to what I had for myself to eat. I was eating a ton of extra calories. I’m not doing a…
Day 5 review - Day 6 am
Just waking up slept pretty good last night. I hope this is the beginning of better nights of rest because I’m nourishing my body properly and keeping hydrated. Accomplished my water and food goals today. The last 10oz of water was hard to get down. Will try getting in my recommended water intake before dinner. I like…
Day 4 review- Day 5 am
Meet food and water goal for day four. Last night I did start to have cravings for a salty snack, it helps that I didn’t have anything available in the house to indulge in. Last night I set out my meats for today (day 5) will put food in the food diary after finishing this post.
Day 4 am
I just logged what I’ll be eating for today. I have extra calories that I can add an additional snack in. Not sure what that will be. I’d really enjoy a tablespoon of peanut butter for that snack but because I do not have enough will power to limit myself with 1 tbsp I will be leaving peanut butter alone for now. Will…
Day 3
Today was a good nutrition day. Stayed within my calorie count and drank my recommended amount of water.
Review Day 2
I traveled yesterday, I was driving. So I got no where near my recommended water intake. I did mange to only eat food I made from home but was still over by 120 calories. I just entered my meals for the day. So I won’t be going over today. Im back in the office so I’ll be able to drink water freely. Stomach still bloaty…
Day 2
I drank the recommended amount of water for my weight on day 1. I also went 27 calories over my recommended calorie count. Will make some adjustments today. Still feel pretty heavy bloated. I think it will take a couple days for my body to begin to feel normal. I’m proud of myself for sticking with it. Looking for to…
Daily tracking
Will try daily tracking. Will report back at days end.