Non Food Related Rewards
I recently reached my first goal- lose 20 pounds. I am contemplating my first reward. I am thinking spa day but that's a bit pricey. I am curious, what fun things have you all done for yourselves.
Protein Powder
i hear so many talk about protein powders. How do I know which one is right for me. 50+ exercising for the first time in my life
I had given up on ever loosing weight.
Hi! My name is Tina. I am 55 years old and I lived a VERY sedentary lifestyle all my life with a bad back and a bum ankle. I also never caught the cooking bug so fast food was my friend. My life changed drastically when I moved to rural America 2 years ago. Gone where the trips to the mall to grab a bite to eat. I have had…
My story Purple 1105
My motivation is back pain issues from several accidents. I was at 219... Not my highest weight but I knew I had to work on changing my relationship with food.... That watching the clock like a hawk so I could shovel food in my mouth thing. I decided slow and steady would have to win the race so the first thing I did is…
I decided weight loss HAS to happen now
Embarrassed that I had given up on ever losing the weight :( but at 55 I got up off the sofa and decided I could do it. I decided to get off the sofa and start slowly. I am down 15+ pounds and ran straight into a plateau..... Help!!!!!