I just found out I am pregnant and I want to make sure my calories are right and that I am keeping track of nutrition is there a way?
Bulimia and binging have been a serious problem for me for about 3 year now. What triggered it I honestly don't know. It started out just binging then I started to feel guilty and purge. I am now actively seeking help and trying to break this cycle but it seems to keep happening every few days. Today while I still over…
But here I am 1 king sized reece's and 2 mini almond joys later bawling like a baby. Why do I feel such intense guilt over food? I am bulimic and I am going to my first doctor appointment about it later next week, but I can't get over this intense shame. I hate feeling like this but eat it anyways I am an idiot.
I am just starting to work on losing weight I am currently at 194 pounds and have about 60-70 pounds to lose. Should I focus on just cardio or go ahead and start lifting as well?
I am struggling hard tonight to not beat myself up and purge. I have been in a cycle of doing very well for a day or two then I will gorge myself on stupid stuff feel guilty and make myself throw up. I am trying to overcome this and while yes I feel guilty I did give into cravings tonight I am still struggling with the…
My problem is I have no clue how to set a healthy meal plan I am trying to start my recovery from bulimia and binge eating. I have read have set meals and meal times can help a lot. I prelogged my food but my ideas only put me at like 900 calories which I see from reading posts is bad. I want to do this right!
The last few days I have been recording what I eat normally. I was shocked at the insane amount of calories I eat everyday 3000 or more every day. I have cut down to 1500 or less today. Any advice to maintain