The last 3 months I've been eating 1400 -1600 calories and my weights gone up 3.5kg. Mfp says I should be able to eat 1480 if I dont excercise but I'm pretty active, I walk 10 miles usually twice a week, I do outward bound stuff (canoeing, mountain biking) about once a week. And its not just muscle eeight. My waist has…
PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE TRIGGERED BY DISCORDED EATING; For a month I managed to eat fine. I ate the reccomended calories for my height and weight. Always ate 3 meals - not skipping one at all. I felt happy with myself. But now its all gone wrong and I'm not sure why or what to do. This week ive just felt like the…
Is it normal to fain an inch or two around your belly and waist by the end of the day? I know it applys for weight. My waist was 23inch and now its nearly 24.5!? :( its really upset me. I've not over eaten at all for 2 weeks at least now. Nor have I under eaten
Maybe I'm being dumb but I'm really confused; I decided I want to eat more healthy and get more iron and protein in my diet BC I lack it but today I ate quite a lot of meat, a tin of sweet corn and chips. But it says my fat intake is nearly 50%!? And my protein is still super low. Can someone explain this? Or help me get…
I'm a young girl and recently I have been getting so much tiny hairs all over my body. It really upsets me. I mean I've always been well rather hairy I guess but now its getting to the point it just upsets me so much. Its like across my tummy, navel and back. Even on my upper arms and around my nipples. What should I do…