I am a 38 year old, 310 pound, male, beginner to fitness. I want to start a daily squat challenge. How many should I start off with? And how many / how often should I add?
Sneaker heads. I have two pairs of Asics shoes. I'll wear one outside, and one the treadmill. I'm having a hard time determining which is better for which situation. One is a pair of Gel-Kinsei 4's, while the other is a pair of Gel-Surveyors. Input? Thanks!!!
I'm a dad of a 4 year old, a 2 1/2 year old, and a baby due in 2 months. Love my kids. Best job I've ever had. I'm looking to be friends with fellow good and proud dads. Shoot me a message if you wanna join forces and attack the battle of the bulge.
does anyone know of a caffeine free tea in a can that I can stock in the fridge for my very busy pregnant wife? Thanks! ETA: her vice is soda pop, and we see tea as better.
Love workouts that leave me sweating BUCKETS. Nothing beats a good sweat to me. So I'm looking for that next great workout. I already lift. I already run. Looking to supplement. Thinking about jumping rope? Any ideas?