hey guys...i am 5 feet 3 and i am 126 lbs my measurements are: bust: 34 waist: 27 hip: 38 i used to be 130 and i have already lost 4 lbs should i lose more or this is enough? (fat % 25.6)
Hey guys so i am 5,3 and i am 125 lbs and i wanted to know if i should lose more or not?
I am an egyptian and could really use some help from fellow egyptians as they know egyptian food and i could really use some help in counting the calories of some egyptian food that i have no idea about it's calories or specific ingrediants :/
i have a problem with portions...i am unable to know my exact portion of everything so i feel that i am not counting all the calories that i am consuming...i don't eat any junk i only eat homemade food and i stopped drinking my calories :# so my question is how i can correctly estimate the weight/portion of my food :/
Hating my body was always one of my biggest problems...i used to be very thin when i was a child but i broke my leg and couldn't walk for 3 months and gained 10 kgs just like that...my brother always calls me fat and always criticizes my body, he means no harm as he think he is encouraging me to lose weight and get thin…