Deleting my account.
Hey guys. I decided that I should delete my account here. The extent to which I take things seriously on here is mentally unhealthy for me. It’s why I left the last time, and this time is just confirmation that I need to not be here. I’m not trying to do this as a grand exit or whatever, I just figured there are some…
The Happy Thread
https://www.reddit.com/r/tippytaps/comments/7sxqiu/do_flippyflaps_count_as_tippytaps/ This makes me happy. What makes you happy?
What's sexy about YOU?
Let's get some self esteem going up in this bishhhhh. And if anyone has trouble coming up with anything, let's help them come up with something :) Also, this thread should be free of judgement!
Feeling yucky- tips to feel better?
For the last 3 weeks, I've made a pretty abrupt change to trying to eat a ~mostly~ plant-based diet, adding in a bit of cheese here, a little meat there, but mostly veggies and grains. I hadn't noticed a huge difference but I am now. Yesterday I only had a green smoothie and a bag of sunchips to last me until dinner, where…
Are you supposed to like what you do?
Do you think you're supposed to find something you enjoy to do for a living, or do you think it's more about just finding something that doesn't suck your soul out of your body and pays the bills?
How to lose without veggies (picky eater)
I recently started dating a guy who really really doesn't like veggies. Best I know, he gets nauseous when he has them, and it's either the taste or the texture or the smell of them that he can't get over. He's asked me to teach him how to cook, and I've contemplated trying to prepare veggies in ways he might not have had…
What are you looking forward to?
And go!
I know something like this was discussed a little bit ago, so this thread is to show off outfits/makeup perfection, for us shopping-impaired people to ask for advice from the fashionistas, to ask if this looks good/bad/ugly, etc. If y'all want, I could make a kik group too, for quicker responses (aka in dressing rooms). So…
Eating before exercise and not puking
Hey guys! I picked up judo last month, but I'm still having a bit of an issue with scheduling. The class is at 8, and our family usually eats at 8. The class goes until 9 and is about 15 minutes away from home, so 9:15 is the earliest I would get home. Then I shower, eat, and go to bed, but it usually makes me lose sleep,…
How did you know...
How did you, personally, know when it was time to stop weight loss and transition to maintenance (for those of you who took that path). Was it an aesthetic being reached or a number or a fitness goal or what? I've been contemplating whether to lose 10 more pounds or to just stay and maintain. I was shooting for a flat…
I'm indifferent to shopping during XMAS
Hungry right after eating?
So far today, I've had an egg sandwich (2 eggs, bagel thin, a little cheese) around 5:30am, and 1/2 cup of oatmeal with some chia seeds around 9:30am, but by 10am, I was hungry again! I've only been back on track with logging for 1 day, but based on more past logs, I end up eating between 1,000 and 1,500 calories. Right…
Blogilates anyone!
Does anyone else do blogilates? If so, how do you log it? Last night, I tried just keeping track of my beginning and ending fitbit calorie burn and subtracting from there, but it only said 244 cal, which seems very low for me for about an hour of exercise. Feel free to add me as a friend!
Need Active Friends!
What motivates me most isn't actually direct motivation but it's just reading my newsfeed and hearing about all the healthy things my friends are doing and any trials they may be going through. So if you give status updates pretty regularly, I want to be your friend! In case it matters, I'm a 23 yo female, sitting around…
My skirt fits!
I got a pencil skirt maybe last summer and it did sort of fit but it was really tight/not that appropriate for work, and also it had a high waist and it could cut into my stomach when I sat. I wore it maybe once. I put it on again today and it has some wiggle room and it's not uncomfortable to sit down in!
Not big but it's something!
I went shopping for skirts the other day, and I used to be in between a 8 and a 10, but now I'm between a 6 and an 8! Gave me a little inspiration to keep pushing :)
No matter how much I read, I still don't understand
Alright kiddies. So after a few times of trying to use mfp and not losing anything, I did another round of research. I decided to use other bmr calculators instead of blindly following the mfp recommendation, and across 8 different calculators, they all recommended eating 500-600 more calories than mfp said. So I ate that…
I can't figure out how many calories to eat!
I've visited about 15 websites with calorie calculators and have gotten estimates ranging from 2100-1350 for the calories I need to consume. I'm really not sure what to trust, and how to figure out what works for me! Should I just start from the bottom and give it a couple weeks, and if it doesn't work, add 50-100 calories…
Is IIFYM only for those trying to gain lots of muscle?
Of course I want to be toned, but I'm not trying to be a bodybuilder or anything (not because I'm afraid of getting too bulky or any other myths, I just don't desire that right now). I already count calories but I've been playing with the idea of keeping track of macros too. If I don't want to be a bodybuilder and just…
Apple Nachos!
Omg guys these are so good! I know many people have probably posted this "recipe" before. I just cut up a Fuji Apple and then drizzled sugar free Hershey's syrup and melted natural peanut butter. Yummmmmmmmmmy.
Sandwich Innards
What are some good healthy sandwich fillings? Probably natural PB with a natural sort of jelly, but I don't really have ideas past that.
It's gonna be May!
Let's talk about the may calendar! I really like the theme for some reason. I just got finished with May 2nd workout and omg, that one's a killer. I hate how weak I feel because I can't figure out how to not strain my neck like she says.