Is there such a thing as too much Peanut butter if you don't consume any meats?
Hey guys! So I was wondering if there is such a thing as too much peanut butter consumption when you do not consume any meats? My diet is mostly consumed of clean fruits and veggies. Very low carbs (pasta, potato, bread) and I rarely consume meat. I usually do not have an overload of anything, but lately I've been letting…
Show off your results! Post Before & After Pictures!
We've all worked hard enough to show off our results! Post your before and after picture and embrace the feeling of accomplishment ! (:
Cheat Meal : Frozen Yogurt, Good or terrible choice?
Hey everyone! Since September I have changed my lifestyle and eating habits. I do a good amount of cardio first thing in the morning 5 times a week. I lowered my amount of fats and carbs by eating as much fruits and veggies. I barely eat any pasta, bread, meats. But I do love some potatoes occasionally. I have lost a good…
How many calories should I consume in a day to be losing weight?
I'm 5'8 , 20 years old and currently weigh 135 lbs. My goal is to lose 5 more lbs and I will still be good with my BMI How many calories to intake to lose those 5lbs? and after losing those 5lbs how many calories a day should I consume to maintain my weight?