I had my follow-up doctors appointment this morning. My doctor was happy, excited and over all proud of my hard work. It's been almost 5 months since I came in for my yearly physical and she told me I was now in the obese category on the BMI scale and she was going to agree with that finding. I was not active, it wasn't…
Tomorrow I have my follow-up appointment with my Doctor, my last appointment was in December where she nicely told me I was officially obese with having 178lbs on my 5 ft 3 inch body. I made a change that following week, I gave myself the weekend to eat oreos, drink Dr. Pepper and pretty much cry and whine. Then the next…
Saturday I ran/walked my furthest yet. 6.25 miles, I followed the interval schedule my running coach had set out, run for 3 minutes/walk for 1 minute. I got it done in just under 1 hour. I was proud of myself. I only started running in January. On Saturday I unofficially weighed myself (weigh in days are Monday's) and I…
Hello everyone! I started my weight loss journey in December after my annual doctor's visit. You know that appointment where your doctor tries their best to break it to you that you are now officially obese? That appointment where you try your best not to break down into tears at the nurse' desk? Ya that great appointment.…