FatMomRun Member


  • I have a planet fitness membership, but honestly I don't use the gym, I use it for the unlimited tanning. Once my best friend gets married and the wedding photo are taken, I'm cancelling my membership. My community has a 24 hour gym that I have access too and numerous running trails.
  • I started with C25k program then moved to a personalized plan. When I started I was classified as obese at 178 lbs, I've lost 45 pounds in 5 months with watching my food intake and running.
  • When I started on this journey I focused on the scale because that is what I knew to do. Now I focus on different numbers, my body fat percentage. I'm a 43 year old female, I'm 5' 4", currently weigh 132 pounds. My body fat percentage is 22.46%, the lower end of ideal. My doctor said she would support me attempting to drop…
  • My doctor believes in measuring my body fat percentage and using that as a guideline for my health. I tend to follow her beliefs. As a 43 year old female and weighing 132 pounds, I have a body fat percentage of 22.46. That puts me in the lower end of the healthy scale for a physically active woman at my age. If I drop to…
  • You can cut the pill in half. I only take half a pill on days I feel like I can't get my hunger under control (typically one day a month, just before my period starts)
  • I'm 5ft 4 inches tall.
  • 5'3.5" I was at 178.7 pounds in December, just weighted in at my doctors appointment this morning at 132.8. :-). My doctor says she will support me dropping to 129 but no lower as she thinks my body is lean enough. I currently eat 1,500-1,800 a day and am training for a 10k in June and a half marathon in November. (I would…
  • I decided to make a change after my yearly doctors appointment, where she broke the news that I was officially obese according to the BMI charts and she didn't think that categorization was wrong.
  • This, no one can tell you what shoe is best for you. I personally can't run in Nike at all, they kill my feet. I keep buying into the marketing hype but I kick myself after the first mile for even putting them on my feet. Thank goodness, Run On has a 30 day return policy. I've ended up taking ever pair of Nikes back that I…
  • I know I have more success with running only because I enjoy running more than any fitness class I have been too. Zumba, Jazzerize, Kickboxing, etc... I feel uncomfortable in a class setting so I'm not doing the exercises correctly or working at the same effort (way to self conscious).
  • I hired a running coach, personalized running schedules to get me where I need to be. After my runs we talk and she makes adjustments to my schedule as need be. I've gone from barely walking 1/2 a mile to running 6 miles in less than 5 months.
  • If the 10K isn't local and you have to pay for travel and lodging, I would most likely cancel my registration. Your first race should be enjoyable so you will want to do it again.
  • I started running towards the end of December 2015, currently training for a 10K on June 4th and a half marathon in November. I've lost 46lbs since mid-December. I've gone from 178lbs to 132lbs. I run 3-4 miles a week (I don't track my off day miles on my elliptical), last month I ran 49.33 miles at an average pace of…
  • I wear either Brooks Ghosts, ON Cloudsurfers or Saucony Triumph, my favorites are the ONs. Also if you are running and sort of distances, get your shoes 1/2 size to a full size bigger than you normally wear so you lessen your chances of losing toenails.
  • Canadian here but currently living in the DFW area, been here 10 years. Winters are much nicer than they were back in Edmonton, lol.
  • Dec 7th was my start date for my weight loss, I weighted 178lbs, as of this morning the scale read 132lbs, a total of 46lbs gone in 4 months and 27 days, so yes it is possible. I took control of my eating habits, stopped drinking pretty much anything but water, reduced my refined sugars and processed foods greatly and…
  • With being female we get to experience weight gain once a month, anywhere from 2 pounds to 10! Some of us experience the weight gain 2 weeks before our periods are due, others experience it a couple of days prior. Over the next couple months will start to recognize the pattern, and you won't feel so panicked. Isn't being a…
  • With calories burned I take which ever one is the lowest, so if I'm using my elliptical, I look at what my watch says, what the elliptical says I burned and what MFP says. The lower number is the one I enter.
  • Welcome back! Feel confident and assured, you got this!
  • 43 here! New to the group. Mom to 3 teenagers (how did that happen?), married 21 years next month (man I AM getting old!). I started my weight loss journey in December after my annual doctors appointment where I learned I was officially obese according to my BMI. I left that appointment crying, but somewhere on my hour…
  • What does a "normal" dinner look like? Are you weighing and measuring ALL food? What are you drinking? (I noticed that wasn't mentioned. I followed a 1,000 calorie a day diet when I first started my weight loss journey, I was closely monitored by my doctor who helped me pre-plan my meals and snacks during that first month.…
  • I'm in as well
  • I use a protein shake on my long run days to help me get enough protein and calories in.
  • I'm in the same boat right now, lost 43 pounds, I'm 9 pounds from my goal weight. Weight loss has slowed down to nothing, I haven't lost anything in the last month. I'm struggling to remain motivated right now. :(