Time to change!

What made you decide to make the difference and shift the weight?


  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    I actually never decided to lose weight. I decided to try to be more fit and the rest kind of fell in with that.

    I joined a fitness challenge with friends and someone had told me about MFP so I decided that would be a good way to track my exercising. The app was so easy to use for logging food that I just kind of went with it. As I lost weight, I figured what the hell, this isn't as hard as I thought. Nothing like every other time I "dieted" . So I kept with it. Down 26lbs now and have approximately 20 lbs left to go. As well as a long period of recomp afterwards.
  • katie22mfp
    katie22mfp Posts: 386 Member
    Well done on the amazing loss and good luck with the next 20!
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
  • FatMomRun
    FatMomRun Posts: 28 Member
    I decided to make a change after my yearly doctors appointment, where she broke the news that I was officially obese according to the BMI charts and she didn't think that categorization was wrong.
  • katie22mfp
    katie22mfp Posts: 386 Member
    What motivation. How are you doing now?