Need help after weight loss

So, I've lost 65 pounds this year just by walking and eating healthy. The weight loss has drastically slowed down almost to a stop. I still have a lot to lose, and need to start the gym or more intense workouts. That's where I always loose motivation, and start eating poorly again. Any advice that can help?

Thank you!



  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    How much more do you need to lose? Do you weigh and measure your food and log it accurately? If so, you may need to reduce your calorie intake since you've already lost 65 lbs (which is great, by the way!) or increase your workouts if that works with your schedule and lifestyle.
  • FatMomRun
    FatMomRun Posts: 28 Member
    I'm in the same boat right now, lost 43 pounds, I'm 9 pounds from my goal weight. Weight loss has slowed down to nothing, I haven't lost anything in the last month. I'm struggling to remain motivated right now. :(
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    How much more do you need to lose? Do you weigh and measure your food and log it accurately? If so, you may need to reduce your calorie intake since you've already lost 65 lbs (which is great, by the way!) or increase your workouts if that works with your schedule and lifestyle.

    That. And I'll add my congrats to it. :smiley:
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    FatMomRun wrote: »
    I'm in the same boat right now, lost 43 pounds, I'm 9 pounds from my goal weight. Weight loss has slowed down to nothing, I haven't lost anything in the last month. I'm struggling to remain motivated right now. :(

    Wow, you should be smiling at the end of this post instead of frowning! It could be the other way around, right? What if you only lost 9 lbs and had 43 lbs to go? I think you're doing great! The last few pounds come off very slowly and maybe you don't even need to lose 9. Don't focus so much on a set number. Successful maintenance is all about a weight range.
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    Wow congrats! I'm almost to my goal weight and my loss has slowed down to near nothing (but still something). I totally understand the frustration. Probably the best suggestion I've seen around the forums is to make sure your logging is tight. Meaning, if you haven't been using a food scale, it's probably time to start using one to ensure accuracy in your calorie intake. Guessing and inaccurate measuring were fine for me for a few months, but as I lost weight and my deficit became smaller, the need for accuracy became super important. Even though you still have a lot of weight to lose, the same sort of principle applies. What worked for you at 65 lbs heavier is probably not going to work now.

    As for exercise, if adding gym time and more intense workouts causes you to lose motivation, don't do it. Get your calorie intake under complete control first, as that's the more important part of weight loss. Tons of people on here will attest to massive weight loss with minimal exercise. I also don't like going to the gym or super intense workouts, so I stick to my walking and running routine and just keep my calorie intake as accurate and as close to my MFP goal as possible.

    Good luck!
  • JoshuaJarrett
    JoshuaJarrett Posts: 21 Member
    Yes...have to agree with everyone,I am down nearly 80 pounds myself and I've noticed slowing of you do find a need for excessive though you'll be surprised what exercise is like dancing or just rough housing with kids I have read a ton of post on the internet about it.
  • laurenbathory
    laurenbathory Posts: 3 Member
    These are all wonderful replys, thank you!!! I've been very strict with weighing and adding my food in MFP, and have a very active job were I'm always moving. I'm working on loosing that last 10 or 15 pounds, and struggling to find the motivation for the gym. After seeing everyone's comments, I'm feeling more determined to go and find a routine. Thank you all so much!!
  • leahkathleen13
    leahkathleen13 Posts: 272 Member
    Hi all, I am going through a similar patch. I. I am 40 lbs down and need to lose 9 more. I get so hungry that I just changed my goal to 0.5 lbs/week. Cutting out sodium and lowering my carbs a touch too. Hand in there everyone, we can do this for sure!
  • duddysdad
    duddysdad Posts: 403 Member
    Some people start to slip or get lazy with their logging and tracking of food towards the end of their journey. When you only have a few pounds to lose and are closer to a low BMI, you need to be very strict. Weigh all solids, measure with spoons and cups for all liquids. You may even have to weigh packaged foods like bread or things like meat that says the serving is one piece. It all adds up and the difference between a few grams of certain foods, like peanut butter, or nuts really can eat at your deficit.
  • patesq
    patesq Posts: 111 Member
    You've probably done this but I didn't see it mentioned - don't forget to update your weight in MFP regularly so your calorie limit is adjusted. I started with a 1650 calorie per day limit and an down to 1200 after losing a bit. I'm within 7 lbs of my goal; it definitely slows down as you get close. Another thing that can help is changing up your workout routine - if it gets too "routine" your body gets more efficient at it and doesn't burn as many calories. I added a different cardio machine a few weeks back and that seemed to get things moving again.