Hi, I have started Focus T25 on Saturday. Tomorrow will be my third day. Is anyone doing it?
I have been meaning to buy a Fitbit for a while but I am very confused in choosing one. Suggestion please?
Does anyone want to join me in 100 Days of Regular Exercise? It doesn't have to be vigorous ones. It can be 20 minutes of slow pace walking. Doesn't matter. It's just not my accountability, it's of anyone who wants join in this challenge and commit to it religiously. My take in it is to commit to regular exercise for it to…
hi, does anyone want to join me in losing 17/20 pounds by the end of this year?
Hi, I am 26, a 5 footer, 57.6kgs as of now. My starting weight was a little over 60 kgs. I have always been a yo yo dieter who never had no affinity towards exercise. But things have been changing recently, since March 11 is when all of a sudden I have decided to eat clean and exercise. The first three weeks I kept data in…