It's not a diet but a change in how you think. Has anyone ever read it and did it help?
Anyone done Dukan?
I don't eat a lot of breads or pastas because they make me moody. I'm tend to eat very high in protien, moderate fat, low carb. But I only get 913 calories. If I stress too much about calories I over eat and gain weight. I'm meeting everything nutritionally just not calories. I don't think it's a big deal. If it works it…
I'm an over Eater, and I can't be the only one. I try to not over eat but then I do. Yesterday, I actually didn't over eat but today I did. So far my strike is 3 days. I'm trying to stop over eating but it's really hard. I might be 150 pounds but I gained 20 in one year. My goal is to get down to 120 lbs. But right now I'm…
I completed day 4 of the 30 Day Shred. I've been having no motivation to do it except yesterday. Tomorrow is day 5 and I have no motivation to do it. I'm doing 5 days on and 1 day off. My goal is to loose 30 pounds, I started at 150 and am 147 now. Also to get a flat tummy and feel sexy again. I guess I've just been a…
I'm not sure I agree with cheat meals. Since my first cheat meal Friday, I've been falling off my diet since then. Maybe cheat meals aren't good because sugar isn't all that good for you and you're just feeding your addiction. I'm addicted to sugar...