1 How often should I do HIIT? Daily? 2 How long should my HIIT workout be? 3 What should my HIIT intervals be? (1 minute high intensity to 5 regular pace?) 4 What should be a target heart rate for high intensity? (I did HIIT on the elliptical with 1 min high intensity on level 9 at 8+mph and only got my heart rate up to…
How is this protein powder as a meal replacement or supplement? I have a hard time getting enough protein.
Thinking of a meal replacement/supplement for those really busy work days (12 hour days then studying) when I don't really have the time or motivation to make something. Also I have a hard time meeting my protein requirement, even if I were to have a turkey sandwich or chicken breast for dinner. Have drank Isopure in the…
Why? When I walk on my treadmill at an incline, my heart rate gets up to about 160-170 and I barely break a sweat. But when I jog at zero incline, my heart rate still tops out at about 160-170 (maybe 180) and I'm pouring sweat. Granted, the heart rate sensors on my treadmill are not perfect. But I would still think that my…
Does it make any sense that I feel hungrier as I have lost weight? Going on 25 pounds down. There were a couple days that I felt "hangry" and ate a lot, yet stayed within my calorie goal.