Just trying to get a good comparison with other people my age (41yr old male) and the things/challenges/obstacles and motivations they face in the pursuit of healthy living. Male or female, doesn't matter. Hit me up and we can tackle this together!
I'm about a month in to my program and really hitting my stride. I've been very happy with my progress and am actually ahead of schedule to reaching my goal. One day as I was grinding out some post weight training cardio I looked across the gym at various people working out and it kind of hit me that each of us is striving…
Just getting started with this. I've struggled with weight issues on and off most of my life. I was slimmer in high school and then got pretty heavy after I got married. Then I lost about 30 pounds from really working hard but I didn't really pay attention to what I ate. Got lazy and gained it all back. Now I'm doing it…