40 or older members?

Just trying to get a good comparison with other people my age (41yr old male) and the things/challenges/obstacles and motivations they face in the pursuit of healthy living. Male or female, doesn't matter. Hit me up and we can tackle this together!


  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    I am 40 year old female. I am just now getting into weights because I discovered I am really week.. My biggest struggle is that I just don't enjoy weight lifting and I feel uncomfortable in that part of both gyms I belong to.
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    I read that as lifting.. Overall.. Between work, my son and boyfriend I feel like I struggle with fitting everything in. Part of my struggles is being in a new relationship.
  • luckyjen76
    luckyjen76 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, I'm a 40 year old female, my biggest motivation has been my dad passed away in January and since I've been doing all I can to get fit and healthy, I'm feeling better than I have in a long time feel free to add me
  • jondspen
    jondspen Posts: 253 Member
    My struggle is getting motivated during the week, esp Wed and Fri. I do cardio MWF with either calestenics or FRAN mixed in. Monday I have lots of energy, so I really push myself. Come Wed I am still so drained I just don't want to do it. By Friday, I have a little more motivation and energy back...plus some guilt that I didn't push myself Wed, but still not excited about it. Tried biking and swimming instead, but a good overall cardio workout just takes a while and IMO...sucks.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    I"m 40 too. motivation is feeling healthier and lighter and looking better. challenges are - full time work, 5 y.o child, husband who sometimes acts like a 5 y.o child, study, tiredness, mental tiredness...

    But I still plug at it.

    Oh - and just this last week - SO OVER DIETING I need a break. BUt still at it. counting away my calories and macros etc etc... SIGH.
  • mapetry
    mapetry Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 42, been at it for 6 weeks. Married with 2 kids and work full time. My biggest challenge is finding time and energy. I am not a morning person but have been getting up at 5:45 and either running or letting Julian torture me with her kettlebell video. I do feel slightly more tone but have only lost about 4-5 pounds
  • mapetry
    mapetry Posts: 16 Member
    It didn't post all - anyway. Sad about weight loss. I track everything I eat and almost always below goal. I measure again on the 15th so hopefully I will have lost some inches. Stats start 182 lb, current 178, goal 140 and tone. It is definitely harder now that I am older and body not as resilient.
  • kota4bye
    kota4bye Posts: 809 Member
    almost 41 here.
  • clatham377
    clatham377 Posts: 2 Member
    48..... :)
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    edited September 2016
    Keeping on track with my diet and training program can be difficult at times with work, but my biggest challenge is my love of beer.
  • rebaisett
    rebaisett Posts: 62 Member
    43 here. I feel the older I get the harder it is to lose weight. It's like I have to work harder at it. Just ten years ago when I was trying to lose weight it seemed the weight just dripped off. Not so much now. Ok fat we are not bff's move on!!
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    49 here and it's going pretty well! I've lost 38lbs since January, with 17 to my goal :) My ultimate goal is to be at my goal weight before the time I turn 50 (UGH) in April. I'm married, 3 pretty much grown kids (25, 23, 18), work full time at a job I adore and I love, love love my workouts!! LOVE THEM.

    This is my 2nd time losing a significant amount of weight - the 1st time being 90lbs back in the late 90s/early 20s, when my kids were itty bitty. THIS TIME it's gone forever. Hooraaaay!!
  • Matt200goal
    Matt200goal Posts: 481 Member
    44 & and if you know the lyrics to Tobey Keith's "Good as I Once Was," I find them disappointingly accurate...
  • bookwormie
    bookwormie Posts: 32 Member
    41. What prompted me to return to MFP and try and lose weight (again) was a back injury. At physical therapy I discovered my core muscles are way too weak. Now that things are closer to returning to normal, one thing I've discovered is if I don't do some form of exercise every day (or better, every few hours) my back goes stiff. So I guess this is the beginning of old age already. Yay... :| Basically my body has decided to motivate me with pain.

    My long-term goal is to lose enough weight to fit into my college clothes, but we'll see. Challenges are a full-time sedentary job (but now I stand half the time) with a fair amount of lifting, long commutes, and part-time creative work that I love to do but now I have no time to do because I have to exercise.

    And folks - always be careful how you lift stuff!
  • tomlincampbell
    tomlincampbell Posts: 12 Member
    44 and my motivation is working with my wife to lose weight (i am a chef so i have healthy eating down, it was more a lack in our lifestyle that lead to both of us gaining), after hearing my doctor tell me she was doubling my meds because i gained weight it was a shock to me and i knew it was time to do something

    my job was the first thing that had to change, i was executive chef of a hotel which had me working 6 days a week at least 15 hours each day. bottom line, i quit...my health was worth more than the money made. it took some searching and adjustments but allowed me to focus on the next phase of my career. i am back in school studying exercise science and working on my own private chef business (and a job in a school to get me to the place i want to be), that has actually allowed me to get n the gym daily and focus on eating properly (chefs have the worst dietary habits)

    my other motivation is setting bench marks for myself. i was never an athlete so my goal now is the spartan races by next march doing all three next year. each level i set higher and higher....my first 5k will be in october ..not looking to win...just looking to finish

    challenges are life lol as an adult with a child in high school and in laws that are ill it takes focus to stay on task...we do it...and our relationship is so much stronger ....our date nights are 75% physical activities (bowling, skating,trampoline park etc)
  • teamvic
    teamvic Posts: 140 Member
    Hi, 42 year old bloke from the UK. Time is my biggest issue, but over the past 10 months using MFP I've learnt that planning is my friend. At my home office I have work, family and family related plans for the month on the wall in front of my desk. Plus I've learnt that I'm stronger first thing so try to do weights as soon as i get up. Its helped loads and everytime I sit down to do some work I get visual reminders what my daily workout is, what my protein intake should be, what my PBs are for running etc. I'm not at my goal yet, but enjoying the journey. And I've got to enjoy it otherwise I'd quit. Good luck and feel free to add me.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    47 years old here, and I've lost 80 lbs (give or take the same two pounds that keep coming back!) In maintenance now, but it's a struggle! Lost my weight with lots of exercise while trying to keep a good deficit every day. The biggest hurdles for me are weekends and time off with hubs. He's a horrible influence..lol!
  • dizzieblondeuk
    dizzieblondeuk Posts: 286 Member
    41 years old here. Lost 23lb last year, and then stalled. Recently put a few lb back on, and am now just wanting to get the rest of the weight (2 stone, 28lb) off, and looking for motivation. I've felt stuck in a rut, both with food (too easy to overdo it on the snacking and blow the calories) and exercise (lack of motivation to get to the gym, which seemed easy to do last year).

    I have a plan, I just need to stick to it! I'm trying to do this in smaller increments - 14 weeks to Christmas, 1 stone/14lb target loss, then New Year, another stone (14 lb) by my birthday in May. I'm looking at new exercises - mainly HIIT focused stuff, and have decided to start Insanity, as I think my general cardio level is decent enough to handle it. Can't do push ups or burpees, so it'll be interesting (or other words!) to see if i can handle it! As for food, I have breakfast and lunch pretty much sorted, and I just need to focus on my evening meals/night snacking to really get this under control. Good luck to everyone else... and me!
  • tcay584
    tcay584 Posts: 55 Member
    43 and the biggest challenge is time. I have no kids, but a busy job and lots of hobbies and it's hard to get my rear in gear after a long day. One thing I have learned over the years is that I'll make any and every excuse in the book, so I am just not putting up with my crap anymore. Get out there, quit griping, and move your blooming *kitten* (as Eliza Doolittle would say) has become my motto.
  • Derpy_Hooves
    Derpy_Hooves Posts: 234 Member
    rebaisett wrote: »
    43 here. I feel the older I get the harder it is to lose weight. It's like I have to work harder at it. Just ten years ago when I was trying to lose weight it seemed the weight just dripped off. Not so much now. Ok fat we are not bff's move on!!

    This, every bit, same age as well. I went from BMI 27 to 22 fairly easily, when I was 38/39. Now I'm in this endless battle with about 7 lbs, just cannot seem to shift them!