This journey all of us are taking together.

I'm about a month in to my program and really hitting my stride. I've been very happy with my progress and am actually ahead of schedule to reaching my goal. One day as I was grinding out some post weight training cardio I looked across the gym at various people working out and it kind of hit me that each of us is striving to better ourselves. All of us travel down this road of improvement at different speeds, and we make starts and stops at different intervals. I lone wolf it at the gym but I see many of the same faces on the same days at the same times. It makes it feel like all of us are in it together. I'm proud of each and every person there. If you see someone overweight struggling, help them out if they ask for advice. Many of us were there once and sometimes just flashing your best smile can make them feel welcomed. It can be intimidating to start, trust me I was there. If you see some of the incredible physiques others have, don't get frustrated that you don't look like that. Use those people as motivation. You can use anything as motivation if you have the right mindset. I appreciate all of you who are along with me at this time in our lives trying to improve and better ourselves. We can do this. We WILL do this!
