Who does drop sets? Do you like them and do they work for you?
I am trying to decide between a 3 days split and a 5 day split for weightlifting. What do you guys this is better?
When I try to lunge I get pelvic pain. I am 5 months postpartum but I've been working out for 3 weeks straight without this pain. I am going to see my doc on Friday but just curious if anyone else dealt with this or knows what could be causing the pain. I do not get the pain when squatting even when I squat deep.
Today I walked 5.4km total while carrying my baby....so would it be terrible to skip my actual workout?
I'm trying REALLY hard but I just can't find the love for these oats... How do you other people do it!?
Someone please explain to me why my usual rice is 107 calories for half a cup and this random stuff my husband decided to buy is 600 calories for half a cup!? And twice as many carbs to!! I don't understand how there can be such a vast difference!!??