Why are my thighs uneven?
My left leg is normal but my right leg I have a weird fatty area on my inner thigh right above my knee. Anyone know why this would be or how to make it go away?
Womens health question
Do any of you ladies get crazy hungry the week before your period starts? Every month for a week before I start I feel so hungry! I honestly am having a super hard time not eating a crazy amount. And when I say hungry I don't mean like oh I'll just have a little snack I mean like I could eat 6 full meals a day and not be…
Weighing less mid-day
Arent you supposed to weigh less in the mornings and evenings and more in the afternoon? I have discovered I actually am about 2 lbs lighter around lunch than I am in the mornings which is the opposite of everything I've read. When do you weigh yourself?
I lost 14 pounds in 1 month+ 1 week. Than I stopped loosing for 3 days. No biggie. Well than I gained 5 pounds in less than a week (even though my diet was the same) than dropped them in a couple days (water weight). And than now have been at a stand still again for over a week. Will I eventually just start loosing again…
Why am i gaining weight?
I generally eat between 1000-1200 calories a day. Once a week usually I'll be closer to 1400. I am 1 month and 10 days into my diet. I had lost just about 15 pounds but than stalled out on weight loss for 3 days and now for the past 3 days have been gaining weight. I'm up 3 pounds! I just don't understand what I'm doing…