Gaining Weight for No Reason
This summer, I decided I was going to get serious about losing weight. I’d been kind of toying with it for a while. I started losing extremely slowly (not even sure why it was so slow - I was eating ~1100-1500 calories) and eventually reached a low weight of 101.8 (my highest was 112). That was about a month ago. Ever…
Sugar consumption
I'm a teenager eating around 2400 calories a day, but I'm a little concerned about my sugar intake. People say added sugars should be less than 10% of your daily calories which is 24 grams for me, but I'm eating more than that, usually around 20-40 grams per day. I eat a pretty healthy diet, usually vegan, and a lot of the…
82 grams of saturated fat??
So I just tried frying some vegan chicken in coconut oil, and at the end, it looked like probably half of it had been used (I had the oven on too low at first). I put it on a napkin afterwards, and a decent amount of oil ended up on there, but I don't know how much it was. Anyway, I think about 6 tbsp of oil were taken out…
Which food would make you gain more weight?
Suppose you had two foods: a bagel with cream cheese 1c strawberries and 1/2c oatmeal with yogurt and 1c strawberries. The first option would weigh about 270g and the second about 575g. Obviously, the second option weighs a lot more. The first option has more carbs and sodium, though, which affect water retention. Which…
Need to gain 4+ pounds, please help
I'm supposed to be gaining weight, and I have been, but not at the speed I'm expected to. I don't have an eating disorder by the way, I'm just a little underweight. On Friday, I'm getting weighed and need to be at least 4-5 pounds heavier. I obviously can't gain all that weight by then, so it'll need to be temporary weight…
Having cookies every night?
I'm trying to maintain my weight and typically eat around 1200-1700 calories a day and mostly healthy. I usually don't have "dessert" but I do allow myself a treat every now and then. However, my niece is selling Girl Scout cookies, and I want to buy a box of Do-si-Dos. I plan on (if I buy them) eating 3 every night since…