Starting Lyle McDonald's Ultimatte Diet 2.0 question
Good afternoon! I am really pumped to begin Lyle McDonald's Ultimate Diet 2.0 come August 1. However, I know that the recommended body fat percentage to start this program is 15% . I am a male and not at 15%.....more like 20% - 22%! Does it make sense to start that program (UD2.0) of does it make sense to get down to the…
LiftHeavyThings27105 - starting Lyle McDonnald's Rapid Fat Loss diet (2018 AUG 01)
Okay, folks. Here is the thread. I will upload the pics once I have them. For those of you who can see my wall, I will link this thread in the post that I just made a few minutes ago. Okay....now off to get those starting physique pics (UGH!). Folks - fair warning: not gonna be pretty! Yet!!!!
Jeff Nippard awesome series (mostly for beginners)
Body Fat set point - Layne Norton YouTube
Refeeds - no Layne Norton YouTube on the new research....thought y'all might enjoy
Was doing Keto (high A1C), performance in the gym dropped drastically: anyone experience this?
Good morning! This is my first post in this group. I looked to see if there was something similar but did not find anything.....so, here goes. I do power lifting and have higher A1C. In an effort to mitigate the high A1C I investigated Keto and started doing Keto. And, I must admit, absolutely loved it. Maintained caloric…
Update: Gym, StrongLifts 5x5, and Overhand/Underhand DeadLifts
Morning my fitness friends! I hope that everyone survived the "Fall Back" clock set. HA! HA! So, I am FINALLY back in the gym. I am sooooooo excited about it. I am doing the StrongLifts 5x5 Program and have finished the first week. Is it optimal? Likely not. But, I have NEVER in my 50 years started a program, yet alone…
Ketogenic Diet - and effects on lifting heavy?
I am not going to the gym (and it is killing me) due to a medical procedure that is still not healed. Rest assured I will be taking my happy butt to the gym as soon as I can. However, since I don't like loosing time I have been playing with nutrition (using myself, just to be clear). I have been following a higher fat,…
Winston-Salem, NC checking in
Hey! Hey! Checking in....again. Signed up many moons ago and did not do much. My bad! I am back now and going to make full use of this awesome tool. Seems like there are a lot of great people in here. Looking forward to helping a ton of folks and maybe getting a kick in the backside when I get off track. Hope that all of…
At it again....but, this time it is different
Going to be 50 in a few weeks. Been on the right path for the last 13 months. Really enjoying this lifestyle. Never turning back. But, it can be frustrating. Not afraid to be different (yes, I am the 'health food nut' at the office) but it does get frustrating when I get stuck - either with what the scale is presenting me…