Strange College Foods
Because hot water with some monster zero poured in is totally a reasonable substitute for tea what are you talking about. It was surprisingly satisfying actually, nothing like tea of course but the taste didn't seem to dilute much at all and Monster's surprisingly ok hot who knew. What kind of Unusual Things have you folks…
Cold but haven't lost that much
I've heard of people feeling cold on losing weight but so far I've only lost around 21lbs now but all the same I've noticed a significant increase in how cold I've been feeling? I could manage fine before with just a shirt and a sweater and heck even wearing a skirt at freezing (which I only know because of old school…
Nonverbal/Partially Nonverbal?
Just out of curiosity I was just wondering if anyone else here happens to be nonverbal or primarily nonverbal? I can't speak the vast majority of the time and generally it's just exhausting or even painful for me and while this doesn't exactly affect diet and the like (outside of social aspects of fitness) it's just nice…
I'm Selkey and I joined MFP to help in going vegetarian but am also using it for weight loss and to better motivate me to get into exercising on a daily basis while I'm here. I'm a trans person and I identify as polyromantic (and polyamorous) and am still kind of trying to figure out the whole sexuality or lack thereof…
Egg Yolks
So this is probably a strange question but I've been wondering something to all you folks who use only egg whites for a lot of thing - what exactly do you do with the yolks once you've separated them? Do you just buy preseperated egg whites or is there something you like to use them for afterwards I've just... been…
Potassium and Sodium?
So I know I have to be in deficit in some stuff given I'm in deficit for calories but I've noticed even eating the same way I usually have before coming here I'm really struggling to find ways to get anywhere even close to the pre-set sodium and potassium goals and I was just wondering if this was something I should be…
Exercise with Throat Issues
I want to start exercising more - and not just by walking (already my main form of transport) but there's a bit of an obstacle. I have issues with my throat - excess mucous mainly. It can happen anytime but gets especially bad if I do something which causes stress on my airways such as running or most sports and it makes…
Losing weight, at college
Does anyone have any advice for trying to lose weight while at college and on a meal contract or done this before? I'm buying my own food right now since it's break but I'm kind of worried for when next semester starts up since outside of meat options (which are usually pretty much fast food anyway) the hall foods are…
Trying to be vegetarian, one more time
So um, hi I'm Selkey and I downloaded this app since against all advice and past experience I've ended up deciding to try being vegetarian again. I'm also losing some weight I suppose but that's not what I downloaded this for mainly. I suppose I might as well use it for this as well though! As a bit of background and…