Biggest challenge?
Hi! I see only one person in the group so far, the creator, but I figured I'd join and say hi! My biggest struggle for me is I've always been a go big or go home person. So I've always sought high impact workouts. Additionally, just as easily as I can get into a routine and follow it, I can break it with the simplest…
Preference- Mirrors in fitness studios
Hello everyone! I'm in the process of setting up a group fitness studio and I came to the experts to poll everyone for some opinions. The fitness studio will have kickboxing, circuit training, zumba, bellyfit, yoga, and others to be determined. In your personal opinions, for those who engage in classes and activities…
How to weigh grains
I am new to weighing my food (finally!) and my question for all of you experienced food weighers out there is when do you weigh grains? Uncooked or cooked? I just weighed farro to portion out with my lunches for the week but it occurred to me the serving size says dry. After cooking, it contains all the water also added. I…
Yoga/Fitness pants
Hello all! I switched over to and have been tracking on MFP since late December, however this is my first post. I regularly practice yoga, do strength and cardio training at the gym, and occasionally run outside (when I am extra motivated). I typically buy my yoga pants for fairly cheap when I can find them on clearance at…