Motivation and Discipline... where are you?
I can't seem to find my motivation and discipline. I was doing so well, then just got burned out by everything in my life and now I can't seem to hop back up on the wagon....
Frustrated with myself
I am so frustrated with myself right now. I was doing so amazingly well last year at this time, I was at my lowest weight since giving birth over 20+ years ago. Last month I was back on track, walking everyday, eating right, lifting, doing my yoga, etc. I have "re-started" like 5 times in the last few weeks. I keep telling…
800 Gram challenge?
Has anyone done this and what were your results? I eat mostly low carb, but I know with my increased weightlifting I should probably add some veggies and fruits... also, they help keep things "moving" if you know what I mean...
Overhead Press *whines* WHY ARE THEY SO HARD?
So I started the 5x5 program about three weeks ago and was doing great with my 5lbs adds... except for the damn Overhead press. I got up to 60lbs, and then hit a wall at 65lbs - and actually had to go backwards to 55 last night. I'm strong and solid on everything else... I've looked up some videos to make sure I'm…
Collagen and Creatine? Any nutrition nerds/experts out there??
So I recently started supplementing with collagen for my joint, hair and skin health. I'm 52, so I was told this would help with my saggy skin as well. I've also recently started weightlifting (about 4 weeks ago) and it was suggested I might start supplementing with Creatine as I seem to have come to a standstill on some…
Glad I found this group! I need support and accountability... I started 5x5 about 4 weeks ago and it's been going OK, had a few missed days and my "group" that I started with sort of fell apart because my boss got into an accident... so now I'm doing the work out at a gym with my SO that I'm actively trying NOT to spend so…
Hot Yoga - fear of failure.
Conquered my fear of failure and went to my first hot yoga class. The teacher was amazing and basically said everyone can’t do it all - and that’s ok. You can just lay down for 90 minutes and know you did the hardest part showing up. Everyone was super supportive and kind. Truly loved it and I’m so happy I didn’t let my…
2 Lbs a week... am I setting myself up for failure?
Hey guys. So I was doing a little research today, trying to keep myself motivated and educated, blah blah... I was looking up the "ideal" weight charts for women... and it spanned from like 110 to 144 for someone my height. (I'm 5'4) I'd like to shoot for something like 135 lbs - but that's almost 50 lbs away and it seems…
Same steps. Different Calories?
Yesterday Fitbit gave me over 1000 extra calories for walking a little over 10k. Today I walked just about the same number of steps- but it gave my like 267? The HECK?
Mixed motivational messages MFP.
Mixed messages MFP.
Same steps - wildly different Calories allowed
Anyone know how I could possibly rack up 10,437 steps one day and get a 258 calorie adjustment, when the day before I got 10,456 steps in and they gave me a 1,357 calorie adjustment??? It wasn't like I ran the steps one day and sauntered the other... one day I racked up all those steps just doing property checks and…
I've been down this road, taking a detour.
I lost almost 40 lbs this year, to gain almost 10 since Halloween. Damn you mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. They were my gateway drug that led to cookies, white bread, chips and the whole lot of things I had not really eaten since January. Now I'm like a crack addict looking for her next hit in bad places, with all the…
Usually on this WOL I don't ever get really hungry, I eat plenty of fat and protein and can easily do my 16/8 Intermittent fasting thing... but I AM SO HUNGRY TODAY, and nothing seems to satisfy me. Not looking for answers - just venting. because I'm HUNGRY AND HANGRY...