Eating protein instead of carbs
Hey I'm just curious when you crave carbs or sugary foods, do any of you replace it with protein foods like chicken or eggs? I'm trying to stay away from carbs since I'm on an high protein low carb diet. But is this the healthy way to deal with cravings?
Intermittent fasting
Today I'm going to try intermittent fasting. Any advice for that?
Procrastination and stress eating
I'm just curious. When you guys procrastinate on something for example chores, exams, etc, do any of you get cravings when stressed? I always get like that and I'm curious if it happens to anyone else.
Physical Activity
Should we do more than one physical activity in one day or is that too much?
Isometric exercises
Should we do isometric workout to lose weight or would that make us gain weight which would be muscle?
Calorie deficit
I still don't get calorie deficit. I looked up articles on the Internet but I still don't get it. It's pretty hard for me to understand calorie deficit. Can someone explain calorie deficit to me? I'm trying to lose weight on calorie deficit, I just need to know how to do it.
Calisthenics and cardio everyday good or bad?
Hi everyone, I'm trying to lose weight but usually I keep maintaining my unhealthy weight and it's a pain in the butt. I got a question about exercising. Is it healthy to do cardio after Calisthenics everyday or every other day? I'm trying to be on a healthy diet and exercise daily to lose the weight I'm maintaining. I'm…