Calories burned
How does someone get an accurate estimate of the calories burned during exercise ? I’ve noticed posts where an exercise is 100 more calories burned for the exact same time amount . I am just using MFP calculations and they must be low for the activity. How do I accurately log calories burned ? What do you use to estimate ?
Indulgent coffee
I love coffee and I love indulgent flavored coffee even more. I usually buy the flavored creamers, but that is making my coffee a 120 calorie drink. The sugar free ones are...yuck! Does anyone have flavorful coffee idea that’s low calorie that I can switch to?
Vodka soda the way to go?
What is the best low calorie cocktail to order when out? Is there a bottled one that is low calorie or is it best to stick with vodka soda?
Exercise to burn calories quick?
I try to fit in my workout in 30-35 minutes a day. I usually do a combination of 15 cardio, 20 min yoga. It doesn’t burn a lot of calories though. What is the quickest calorie burning exercise?
What got you started on this journey? That day when you woke up and decided to join fp and change your life? I'm always curious about people's motivating factors. For me i had told myself this is what being in my 40s was, putting on extra weight. Until finally I was like no, I'm going to start moving and if i don't see…
Mexican food
What is the lowest calorie / best option at a Mexican restaurant?
I enjoy a glass of wine with dinner. I've been denying myself that to reach my weight loss goals. Is that something I should save for my cheat day or can I splurge on a glass of red wine whenever?
Foods to battle depression
I have found myself battling depression due to grief. I know this is the reason I have lost my motivation to work out and eat right. I am pushing through and forcing myself to get up and get moving. What foods are there to lift spirits and give energy? Anyone else experience this.