Does anyone know how they figure out how many calories you lose in a particular exercise? Like I'm a large guy...very large and I know I burn more calories than some of you more fit folks out there, but the calorie calculators seem extremely high. Would be interested in any input from the masses.
So I have A LOT of weight to lose and I know that I know I'm going to have skin all over the place when I am successful. What are things I can do now if anything that will limit all this skin I will have. I plan to start weight lifting...will that help or is it inevitable?
So I have been doing good so far on my make myself exercise journey which for me means I have to go to the pool because of my weight. Unfortunately my pool closes early today at the gym so I can't go today. This is a dumb thing, but Im feeling incredibly bad and guilty about it. I know I can't control it, but I feel…
So last night I started swimming and light weight lifting....light lol. My body is not happy with me this morning. Even with the pain, I feel so great and proud of myself. If eating right is hard for me, going to the gym was a even bigger step for me. I'm so pumped to do it again tonight. I don't know how long this desire…
So Hey. My name is Ben. Im about to hit 40 and I am extremely overweight. I started at 723 and this Sunday I have gotten down to 670. Of course alot of that is water weight but this isn't going to be done over night. Today marks the 1st complete month I have done this and tracked my calories daily. I have wanted to join a…