No more late night snacking May 2020
Here is the late nights snacking for May 2020 - decide what late night snacking means to you (could be either bingeing, if you're inclined to it or simply eating anything at all after a certain time; some may find that having a healthy snack after dinner is perfectly alright and be upset only when they go overboard) -…
February 2020 Check In
1. The aim of this thread is to have a weekly weigh-in check for some accountability and support. 2. Copy the form below by copy-pasting and edit to suit your personal schedule, then fill in your information and post each week. 3. Have a successful month, whatever your maintenance/health goal(s) may be!! Name: Age: Height:…
New Year's Resolutions
What you New Year's Resolutions?
Today is Christmas and?
What is the best thing you are going to eat today? I made a carrot cake but I think the prime rib we are having will best it!!!
Thanksgiving Plan?
What’s your meal / day plan for Thanksgiving? Are you going to log and keep to your calorie goals? Are you just going to take it as a day to eat whatever you want and not log? Will your plan or lack thereof carry in to the weekend? No judgement from me, just putting it out there. There are so many things I enjoy eating on…
Not done yet!
Hi- I don't really have a usable photo of me at my max weight of about 250 pounds. I am currently at about 160. I'm not done yet as I am now working on recomp but plan to maintain my weight where it is at. The first photo, I think I was at about 230 pounds. The next photo was summer 2017: The X-Mas sweater photo was last…
Just one bite!
I went to a fancy dinner the other day for work. Fancy meals are sometimes not so great in terms of taste and amount of food. Though they try to be over the top in terms of presentation. This was the case at this event except for desert. For desert they served this weird looking citrus halo thing. It was like an alien…
Serving Said!
I generally weigh or measure everything before I eat it and always log. My saying is if I can’t measure it and log it I can’t eat it. I do shy away from weighing prepackaged foods, such as protein cookies, bars or halo top ice cream. I know from what many have posted and my own observations that a pint of Halo Top is no…
Hi- I read in another post about how stressing your body with too few calories or too much exercise can increase cortisol. Some of the reading thus far suggests having a higher calorie day or taking a break from exercise can bring your cortisol back down. I don't know much about cortisol; how to measure it; how to manage…
48 hours to recover?
Hi- Do you really need 48 hours between workouts? I have read and read and it just seems arbitrary. One site says it takes 14 days for you muscles to recover but it is ok to resume exercise after 48 hours. What's wrong with 36, 24 or 12 hours? How about 72? What so magical about 48? For awhile now my break has been from…
Tell me about your Macros
I have been doing low carb for a long time now. I also count calories and am losing at the rate I want to. I do wonder about macros though. I personally only really track calories, carbs, sugar, fiber and net carbs (carbs - fiber). I do track everything I eat. I would like to hear from others about what macros they measure…