Experiences of a juice cleanse?
So I'll be doing a juice cleanse in a few days Only 5 days I'm doing it for weight and hunger purposes I was on medication that increased my appetite and I'm hungry constantly Anyone got any advice or experience? I'm curious as to know what to expect Thanks
Can you really outgrow allergies?
As a child I was allergic to Wheat Diary Nuts Sesame I outgrew my allergies apart from certain nuts. However, as a child eating any of these foods made me develop hives and serious stomach aches to nearly fatal consequences. I wonder if indulging in dairy and wheat as an adult could be disrupting my weight and metabolic…
Highest realistic weight loss in two and a half months?
Weight loss after drug problem
I had a year long problem with drugs Esp stimulants and smoking I quit everything and moved onto seretonin which drastically increased my appetite and I'm sure slowed down my metabolism. Which added to my already increased desire to eat and make up for a period of starvation. Only this is I'm left with a two stone weight…
Fat burning exercise??
Any suggestions? I want to lose a stone in a few months I'm a healthy eater but I don't exercise. I've began using Alli to help me a little.
Alli xenical ortistat - any experience?
So I'm hoping to lose 1 stone or so by October. Apparently alli can help you lose 50% more weight than without it. Any ideas if this is true? I am feeling awful because I have gained weight after a problem with anorexia for the past two years I barely ate and kept my body weight deliberately low. At 5'5 I was just over 8…