if i eat: 2 wheatabix and a banana salad and soup a fairly healthy dinner and fruit for snacks and exercise every day for two months, how much weight do you think i could lose?
on friday until now i've had a mcdonald's, a subway, sweets and chocolate and i don't know if i have undone all my hard work i've been putting in for the last two weeks since i started. on friday i'm pretty sure i had over 3,000 calories. does anyone have any tips for me to get back on track on monday and to get motivated…
so since last sunday i haven't been eating that great because my diet hasn't been that balanced but my diet since friday hasn't been that bad but just not good if that makes sense. i'm pretty sure for the most part i haven't been going over my calorie limit but i weighed myself today at like 4pm and my normal weigh in dya…
i'm 5'5 and and about 143 pounds right now and i don't know how much weight to lose in order to get a flat or a near flat stomach. i don't know if it varies by person
it's been a week since i've started eating healthy and going to the gym. my diet if the last week hasn't been great (i had a bag of m&ms, white bread & fruit bread as a snack. 2 rocky roads and 2 crunchy bars) but even still it's a lot better than it was before where i would eat bags and bags of sweets and chocolate. so my…
how much is too much carbs for someone who is trying to lose about 2 pounds a week and exercises three times a week? i'm just getting started on my weight loss journey for the second time bc the first time i lost about a stone but it too longer than necessary because i just didn't know how much to eat and what to eat. i…