Hi guys , Can I use this app in Europe ? I am currently in the uk but relocating to Austria ... Thanks Yasser
Hi guys , I have been using the app since November last year and I have lost almost 10kg so I am almost nearing the healthy weight for my weight,age and highet, now my challenge is how to loose the fat ( face and neck ) ? Any tips on what I should do ?or specific diet ? Thanks Yasser
Hi guys, Anybody from London UK so we can stay in touch and motivate each other’s? Thanks Yasser
Hi guys, Why do you have to drink more water the following day? Like in case of drinking alcohol? Thanks Yasser
Hi guys, So I have the following problem when I drink on Friday my weight goes down on Saturday but on Sunday and Monday goes up by 1 or 2 kilos , I understand that water retention got to do with that but I don’t understand the weight loss then gain also any tips on what to do ?i drink as much as I can only lie calories…
I have noticed that I gain weight on the weekend after drinking alcohol very quickly while it is much harder for me to loose weight ( my target is 1kg per week) any advice or tips on that?