Vitamin D
Back in May, before having my hip surgery, I had my Vitamin D level checked - it was a few ticks above the lower limit of normal. I was ordered to take a supplement immediately. My orthopedic surgeon said his level was "under* the lower limit. And that it isn't possible in the Pacific Northwest to get enough vitamin D from…
Pedal switch vs severity of crash injuries
If you've switched from clipless pedals to platform pedals or switched in the other direction, what impelled the move? Do you know of any studies that relate pedal type to injury severity in a crash? A few at this link:…
Recipe creating/editing missing field for instructions
I must be missing something. I can no longer find a field for adding instructions for cooking. Example, I want to remind myself to slice eggplant and bake for 15 minutes in a 375 degree oven. How do I get that field back? Thanks!
Mapmyfitness workouts not loading
I cannot access my workouts in Mapmyfitness on my Android phone app. I see only a blank with pixels moving in a circle pattern. I can view yesterday's ride on the full website with just basic details. I can also see that ride & full details on the app in "Activity Feed" I'm concerned about future activity recording and…
What happened to cucumbers on the way
What happened to cucumbers on the way to becoming pickles? 133 gm of cucumber has 20 calories. Pickles have zero per the database. Not that I'm eating a ton of cucumbers. Just curious.
MFP double booking workouts
Using my Android app, I revised a starting time for a manually entered workout and the revised workout was added as a second one. Today, I manually entered a canoe race--MFP doubled the original. Just me?
Help me understand calorie adjustment
I don't understand the MyFitnessPal calorie adjustment. I went for a 2 mile walk at 8 p.m. and used map my fitness to record The Walk, and if credited me with 219 calories. Then MyFitnessPal calorie adjustment said it would give me 386 calories 4 about 4400 steps. My understanding of the calorie adjustment is that of a…
How I log a walk with a backpack
I ask myself: walk vs hike when using the Mapmyfitness app? (it syncs with MFP) When I go, I'll often just accept either is in the app and go. A hike "burns" 20-25% more than a walk. I did find a web page that gives the hourly expenditure for different types of self propelled motion on two feet.…
How I log homemade bread on the Diary
I didn't see this in the first two few pages of the general boards. Should have done a search, but here goes. I'm a bread freak, because it's so tasty and easy to make no-knead. It's time consuming only to the extent that I need a few minutes to mix the dough, and 20 minutes to preheat the oven with my baking dish (Dutch…