Anyone up for a sedentary fibro appropriate fitness challenge? For instance, my year average on steps is 300-500. I need and want to get them at least to 1000, maybe 2000. I can’t DO 10k yet. 8k almost killed me this week. Another idea is to log minimum minutes daily, like... 20 minutes of something that qualifies as…
Hello? Anyone in here? :)
New to group and app. I’m 38, mom to 5, night owl. Was diagnosed with fibro about 2 years ago, though I’d known for a long time before that. I was recently diagnosed as diabetic as well. Fatigue is one of my most major symptoms and with extremely high blood pressure to boot, exercise just is super hard to figure out! Even…
Hi! I had a Fitbit but it’s currently lost; I still use the site and app though and am having an issue. The “Health” app on my iPhone logs my steps (yay!) even when the app isn’t open. I connected that app to MFP and the steps transfer beautifully. I also have MFP connected to Fitbit and while the meals transfer fine (I’m…