Hi! I’m looking for friends that can help me stay motivated and inspired.
How will you avoid over eating during this time of year with all the parties and good food! Do you have a plan to get through it without packing up the pound or will you give in to your weakness..lol
I need friends that will help encourage me good roll models people with positive vibes!! 🙌
I was feeling tired without energy and made my mind up to start eating healthier and take walks. I want this to be a life style for me not just to look good but to feel better inside. What’s your reason what motivated you?
Hi! I was wondering if there’s an app to help you do strength training at home..or good videos for women..I’m new at strength training..I just started walking and I’m ready to take the next step!
I need to know how do you count your calories to log into your daily diary? I’m new! I appreciate any advise
Hi! Everyone I like to know if there’s any Christians that use there faith to help them stay motivated and how is it working for you? God bless❤️
Hello I’m Sandra! From California born again Christian currently stay at home mom..I’m 39 yrs old I have three boys there my life! two teens one in preschool. I been married for 15 yrs! I’m looking for good friends that can help me stay motivated since I’m just starting on this new journey!
I’m feeling overwhelmed since I don’t buy many vegetables and fruits and my husband snacks on Doritos and drinks fruit punch like water.