Achilles pain
Can anyone recommend any good stretches to relieve pain in the Achilles’ tendons? Thanks!
Post-smoking weight gain
Hi everyone! I quit smoking back on October 1, and since then I gained 20 pounds. It's not so much that I needed a hand-to-mouth substitute as nicotine was an appetite suppressant for me. Since I quit, I've been extremely hungry all the time. For 2019, my goals revolve around better health, so I'm trying to get back to a…
Howdy :)
I've used My Fitness Pal in the past, but not for a few years. I'm back because I'm making some changes for the new year and figured I could use a little support. I quit smoking back in October and gained 20 pounds in the process. I'm going on keto to help me lose those 20 pounds and to get back into running & hockey…