calorie cycle on recomp advice
hi, im doing recomp, went off a bit but getting back into it. although I just read some articles that's confused me (again!) can I get some advice on what actual calorie cycle I should be doing. below is what I will be doing. 1800 is my maintenance but some days do eat more or less slightly. weight/gym days are 1800…
songs that you cant get through without crying
was just having a blast from the past youtube moment and in the play list was a song I cant listen to without crying, what songs make you cry? mine are: bette middler - wind beneath my wings sarah McLachlan - in the arms of an angel song from ghost - with you
using smaller weights more often
just see another thread about lifting on consecutive days. I have a question about this. I can only get to the gym 3 days a week usually mon, wed & thurs. i don't use heavy weights as my upper strength is rubbish and weak lower pain throws my form if i use too heavy weight. anyway my query is that on leg days the next day…
weak back is affecting exercise
if any one can offer advice on building up back strength. it effects squats, abs, glutes. ive been trying to activate/fire glutes, left one is half dead and i feel exercises in the hip flexer more ofen on that glute. ive watched untold 'weak glute' youtube clips telling me weak glutes can cause weak back? i do lateral…
recomp guide
I just need to here some good facts on recomping. as ive just learned its not quite the same as maintain. so I think I read above a lifting programme, I just need to know more. @sijomial @sardelsa come over :)
need fats to bump up
im doing recomp and have set macro around 60g. im looking for ideas on fat to adds, I use coconut and olive oil in cooking, cant eat avacados im intolerant (to many foods actually :-( ) I got peanut butter on my list, walnuts, brazils etc. im not sure if I can use full fat yougurt and milk I have genetic high cholesterol.
recomp stat advice
hi, ive been trying to google info on recomping but getting conflicting advice. one says to go surplus on workout days the other to maintain workout days and deficit on days off? SO ive come here. again. :) if I give my stats can we workout a plan as im doing my own head in with it all. (note: I have anxiety and slow info…
help to sum it all up
im so grateful i came across this forum, I originally came here about learning to add cals and bulk but realise I have been doing everything wrong! possibly due to over researching and information overload. during my original thread one member made me see an error I've been making for years! it was like a penny drop moment…
how to eat more for weight training
hi newbie here, not new to exercise but to looking at gaining more muscle and definition. im currently eating in deficit to get body fat down from 25%, im pretty small (size 8 53kg) but quite wobbly, usual jelly thighs, clapping butt cheeks and got a grab of loose belly not sure if that's skin or fat :# ive been trying to…