Average Girls and Guys
I am not qualified to post in the "bad girls" thread so I figured I'd start a thread for average girls and guys. You know, the kind of people who aren't necessarily noticed in a crowd. Or perhaps, the non fancy person in the group. Maybe the dude who's in ok shape might have some moob going on. Maybe even for the person…
coffee poll
So are you a bold and black coffee? Do you prefer less intense with a little cream? Or are you more of a little bit of coffee with my cream person? What about sugar? Do you use it? Do you use sugar substitute or the real deal? Do you like hot or frozen? How do you prefer your coffee?
How desperate are you for human contact?
We have all been stuck inside, at an appropriate social distance from our neighbors, for about, oh eleventy twelve days or so. How desperate are you for contact with the outside world? For your old interactions? Or for New interactions? What would YOU do for a Klondike bar or any social interactions whatsoever? Be…
Random Angry Letters of irritation and disappointment
Sometimes little irritating things happen to all of us. And I do mean ALL of us. This is a thread that we can all relate to. And if those "glass always half full" people want to chime in and say that nothing irritating ever happens to them never ever, well, we just won't believe them. Because lets face it, sometimes our…
The Lies we want to hear...
So we all know that many online persona's are just that....a fake online persona. Some people are legit themselves, acting the same in real life as online. But for everyone I'd say be careful about posting any personal information online. You never know who is legit and who is not. And for that reason, I say we post NOT…
Third grade fun
I am stressed out watching the news so I decided to do some of my son’s third grade home art assignments. It was fun so I am assigning some projects for you all. You may also come up with some of your own, as long as they are mfp appropriate. Remember the principal is probably going to be watching and we don’t want to get…