Hi to all, . I was wondering do any of you take any "FAT BURNING PILLS" and do they work? and which ones ?? Thanks for your help!
Hello everyone I stumbled on this yesturday and was wondering if this could be true ?? Have any of you tried it? Do you know if it's really possible ? Here is the add... : http://www.yournintendowii4free.com/index.php?ref=7039039t=Nintendo+Wii Have a great day x0x
HI everyone, since I'm new at this I could not find anywhere on this site how many calories you burn doing some house clean.! I found another site where they say that you lose for 1/2 hours ,,, of mooping -129cal. and for vacuuming 119 cal. would that be okay??? Please help ??! :smile:
Hi everyone, I'm new here since saturday and just wanted to share with you something I just found. Thought this might help a couple of you !!! Have a great time losing .... X0X http://www.dailyspark.com/blog.asp?post=burn_100_calories_in_10_minutes
HI, I'M new here and I intend to lose 40pounds that I have gained during the past 4 years cause I quit smoking. I sure will need help and suport and tricks, if you have any just post them and it will be a pleasure for me to read and get all this help ... thanking all of you in advance and wishing you a great day and big…